Delight In The Lord

Why did you get into ministry?

If you think back to the very beginning of when you decided to enter into the role of pastor or church ministry leader, what was the catalyst? (We can rule out money–or if that was the catalyst…we need to talk.) 

You might be scratching your head at this point and drawing a blank, but for most ministry leaders, if you think hard enough, there was a moment when you truly experienced Jesus, when you truly felt His grace and love in a way that compelled you to want to share it, right? What else would move someone to give his or her entire life in dedication toward reaching others but the grace of God? It’s gotta be something big. 

And in fact, it is! But unfortunately, most pastors get to a point when the excitement, the drive, and the motivation turn into more of a hamster wheel of church programming. Have you been there? Today, we need to step off the wheel, splash some water in our faces, and reorient ourselves to the why behind this work we’ve spent countless hours dedicated to. And there is a path to get there. 

We need to delight in the Lord. 

Wanna know a telling question many pastors have a difficult time answering? When was the last time you spent time in God’s Word apart from sermon prep or ministry prep? No Instagram live message accompanying, no church prayer service, no message in the works–but you simply soaked in the Word of the Lord. If you have a difficult time remembering when…friend, it’s time to start delighting in the Lord again.  

It’s possible that we’ve traded time with the Lord for ministry about the Lord, and it’s damaging our Kingdom work. If you find yourself in this place today, here are three reminders for delighting in the Lord. 

  1. Delight yourself in the Lord through prayer.
    We know prayer as an opportunity to communicate with God. And we do this often in large groups, before and after the Sunday sermon, and before we eat. But if we’re not spending real, raw time with the Lord in heartfelt prayer, we’re missing a direct way to delight in the presence of the Lord. Stop and think about this. God cares to talk to you. Yes, you. God cares to listen to you. And He is able to carry the weight of anything you bring to His feet.  
  2. Delight yourself in the Lord through worship.
    In each moment, we’re choosing a priority. We are worshiping. We were created this way! This can lead to some interesting reflection as we consider our time spent during each day. Contrary to popular opinion, you don’t have to limit your worship to KLOVE and guitar strums. Singing is a huge part of our expression of worship to God, but it’s not one-hundred percent of our worship. When you delight in your worship to the Lord, He will fill you with reminders of His promises, His faithfulness, and His goodness. 
  3. Delight yourself in the Lord through Scripture reading.
    How many times have you read a story in the Bible and been struck by a new thought, an inspired comparison, a reminder of a unique characteristic of God? God uses His Word as an intricate tool of communication. His Word is alive. It’s active. It’s written intentionally and with purpose. When we delight in its words, we delight in the Lord Himself. And as we do, we begin to know Him deeper and in richer ways.

Once you’ve reoriented into the practice of delighting yourself in the Lord, we have some good news about where it leads. Let’s take a look at Psalm 37:4

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.

Be intentional about delighting yourself in the Lord. See how it refreshes your ministry mindset. See how it compels your sharing of the gospel. See how it transforms the desires of your heart.

POSTED ON September 29, 2022

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Chuck is the Director of Operations for Full Strength Network (ExPastors' parent organization). He's also an expert in church communications and frequent speaker and consultant with churches across the U.S.