
Living Prayer

As pastors, we know the foundation of our spiritual lives is prayer. We teach converts and congregants that prayer is a conversation with God,…

Losing Motivation

Have you ever hit burnout mode and seen a direct impact on your motivation as a pastor? If you have discovered your motivation has…

Managing Your Negative Emotions

Have you been surprised by the number of negative emotions you battle on a regular basis as a pastor? Maybe you thought the ride…

Top 3 Practices Of Organized Pastors

Moment of truth–pastors are not always known for being the most organized. In a highly relational career, other strengths take priority, and pastors can…

Delight In The Lord

Why did you get into ministry? If you think back to the very beginning of when you decided to enter into the role of…

Like A Child

Picture this: It’s a summer evening, and you’re sitting near a campfire with friends. Children are playing nearby, and their giggles drift toward you….

5 Shifts For Missional Impact

The slightest shift in a practice can dramatically affect an outcome. This is true for athletes who continuously improve their physical game, it’s true…

Solitude And Silence

Jesus needed it. So did Moses, Elijah, Mary, and Paul. And that is just for starters. All the leading Fathers and Mothers throughout church…

Are You A High Hoper?

In a world full of let-downs, it’s easy to get stuck in a mindset of “Don’t get your hopes up.” Is that a prevalent…